Ensuring the 安全 and efficacy of your end product is of the upmost importance. That’s where im体育APP comes in. You’ll benefit from our extensive experience testing specialty chemicals, 化肥, 农药, 原材料, 中间体, 关键起始材料(KSM), 成品, 容器, 和包装.

Stay up to date with regulatory standards and guidance - and get results that comply with standards such as OPPTS, 环境保护署, FIFRA when you partner with im体育APP. Together, we’ll establish a qualification program tailored to your needs. +, 我们提供方法开发, 验证, and validation as well as analytical method optimization, going beyond compendial methods to ensure the highest quality control standards are met. 

Focus on developing and manufacturing safe and effective products while we ensure you meet regulatory requirements and industry standards.  

Comprehensive specialty chemical, raw material, and container QC testing services

Make sure 原材料 meet specifications for use and optimize your manufacturing processes with in-process testing - all while ensuring 安全 and quality with our comprehensive materials and lot release testing services. +, you can ensure the integrity of your products with container 和包装 testing. 

Gain a better understanding of the chemical components used in product development and improve the final product quality – and enhance manufacturing processes with valuable insights from our team of expert scientists. 

在受管制的环境中, you need comprehensive solutions for a wide range of chemical-related challenges, no matter the size or complexity. You can rely on im体育APP to cater to all your testing needs with our expertise and technical expertise. Ready to start the conversation? 填写一张简短的表格 and a member of team will be in touch with shortly.


If you're experiencing issues during production, we can help identify the root cause of the problem and suggest ways to improve the process. 


Sometimes it is hard to know exactly what is in a particular component. We can help identify the chemicals involved, so you can make informed decisions about how to use them. 


Knowing exactly how much of a particular component you are using can be crucial to getting the results you want. We can help quantify the amounts of different chemicals involved. 


Sometimes the solvents used in a particular process can be just as important as the main components. We can help quantify the amounts of different solvents present.


确保完整性, 安全, and quality with im体育APP’s flexible and comprehensive testing quality control testing programs. Avoid costly delays and overcome challenges with the support of im体育APP’s engaged, consultative team of regulatory and scientific experts.

To learn more about how im体育APP can deliver high-quality, validated methods or to speak with one of our experts, im体育APP 今天.

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.