Xenon arc testing promotes property changes of materials, including the effects of sunlight, 湿气和热, 通过模拟 紫外线 和 visible solar radiations by means of a weatherometer. im体育APP is at the cutting-edge of 风化测试, providing xenon arc testing to clients in many industries, including 汽车, polymer additive, textiles, 和 paint.  


Accelerated exposure testing has become increasingly important to qualify new designs 和 materials, 和 to determine material durability in a fraction of the time, 在现实环境中. 


Underst和ing 氙弧测试


Unlike the electrically burning carbon arcs, xenon arc is a precision 气体 discharge lamp in a sealed quartz tube used to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight 和 moisture in actual use. 


长弧灯, where the arc length is greater than the arc diameter, simulate full spectrum solar radiation more closely than any other artificial light source, 和, 出于这个原因, they are widely used in accelerated exposure testing to simulate the weathering process of indoor 和 outdoor sun exposure on materials. 


在氙弧测试期间, specimens are exposed to filtered xenon arc light under controlled environmental conditions. Different types of xenon arc light sources 和 different filter combinations are used to better simulate natural sunlight 和 the appropriate field service conditions. A humidifier provides moisture, 和 heaters control temperature.





At im体育APP, we perform xenon arc testing on a variety of materials 包括:

  • paints, 涂料, 和 decals
  • polymeric materials for outdoor 和 indoor commercial or residential applications (vinyl siding)
  • textiles for colorfastness testing
  • inks for polymer damage testing
  • materials 和 trim components, 内部和外部, for the aerospace 和 汽车 industries.




Our 从事专家 conduct xenon arc testing in compliance with the primary st和ards established by international organizations, 包括:


American Association of Textile Chemists 和 Colorists - aatcc.3 


American Society for 测试 和 Materials - ASTM G155; ASTM D4798/D4798M (xenon arc method); ASTM D2565; ASTM D4459; ASTM D7869 


Society of 汽车 Engineers - SAE J1885; SAE J1960; SAE J2412; SAE J2527





Outfitted with advanced xenon arc weatherometers, im体育APP’s weathering laboratories simulate the damaging effects of long-term exposure of materials, either directly or through window glass, closely mimicking natural sunlight. The results of xenon arc testing provide accurate UV degradation information of a material over time, which is particularly useful to prevent premature product failure. 


Our experts offer xenon arc testing on a variety of materials, 包括油漆, 涂料, 和 other polymer-based materials, as a valuable tool to accelerate material degradation 和 condense years of outdoor exposure.


For more information on 氙弧测试, or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天. 

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