The various fluid systems vehicles rely on, such as 燃料系统, 液压系统, 和液体 冷却 系统中, require specialized testing to ensure they perform as expected under real-world conditions.

im体育APP’s cutting-edge laboratories simulate the internal and external stressors vehicle components may endure over their usable lifespans. As a leading testing partner to the automotive industry, im体育APP’s experts provide specialized insight on the durability and performance of fluid systems as part of a component or system testing program. 

A comprehensive approach for automotive manufacturers

im体育APP’s team has extensive experience testing fluid systems for internal combustion vehicles, 电动汽车, 和混合动力车. Our long history in the industry coupled with our focus on innovation allows us to test even the most cutting-edge systems with confidence.

Our state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped to simulate the extreme environmental stressors fluid system components encounter during real-world use. We can test systems using fluids under a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and flow rates. From subzero temperatures as low as -50°C to scorching heat up to +150°C, we ensure that your products can withstand both long-term wear and temporary extremes.

Fluid 冷却 systems testing: Optimizing efficiency and performance

im体育APP provides comprehensive testing of fluid 冷却 系统中, battery 冷却 systems (for internal combustion and 电动/混合动力汽车), air conditioning 系统中, and more. In the competitive automotive landscape, where improving fuel economy is paramount, 我们及时的, 准确的, and reliable analysis yields valuable data that allows you to optimize your 系统中, minimize energy consumption for better fuel economy, 改进你的流程.

我们测试了几乎所有的配置, from simple O-rings and hoses to complete 系统中, 跨越所有车辆类别, 包括乘用车, 跨界车, 运动型多功能车, 皮卡, 公共汽车, 摩托车, 军用车辆, 以及越野车.

Radiator aging testing: Ensuring long-term durability

im体育APP's advanced labs allow us to perform intensive radiator aging tests per automotive test standards, followed by a battery of physical endurance tests. This approach provides valuable insights into the radiator's performance throughout its usable life.

Our technicians simulate the lifetime wear on a radiator by running high-temperature coolant through the system for extended periods, 通常是几千小时, then test the parts for leaks by submerging them in water tanks. 另外, we conduct mechanical fatigue testing, where cyclic loads are applied to the radiator ports to test for fatigue strength, 压力脉冲测试, where cyclic pressure is applied to the radiators with a specific pressure profile at elevated temperatures.

These rigorous tests determine the long-term durability of radiator 系统中, providing manufacturers with critical insights that enable them to address potential issues proactively.


Partnering with im体育APP gives you access to our extensive laboratory infrastructure, including Class 1 Division 1 environmental chambers, and our broad expertise in materials and product qualification testing for the transportation sector. We serve as a single-source provider for all your testing needs, offering comprehensive fluids and fuel analysis to support your R&D projects and ensure compliance with regulatory specifications.

Our goal is to make certain that your products are durable and perform safely for their entire lifespan. To learn more about our complete fluids testing and analysis services or our many other vehicle systems testing capabilities, 立即im体育APP




Find out how im体育APP's comprehensive services can help you bring innovative electronic systems to market that will interact safely and seamlessly with other electrical components and accessories.


汽车嗡嗡声,吱吱声 & 喋喋不休的测试

im体育APP’s large multiaxial silent shaker can perform buzz, 吱吱声, and rattle (BSR) testing with fast turnaround times on components up to 700lbs, to help manufacturers create quieter products.

混合动力 and 电动汽车电池测试

混合动力 & 电动汽车电池测试

We perform validation testing on Li-ion and Ni-MH battery cells, 模块, ultracapacitors and packs to ensure the safety and performance of your products.

Noise Vibration and Harshness testing

What is Noise Vibration and Harshness 测试?

im体育APP experts use industry leading NVH testing methods, 硬件, and software to assist our customer in developing safe, 质量, 兼容的, and enjoyable products to bring to the marketplace.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.